(1)留下名片走馬看花的客人 (2)想進一步洽談的客人 (3)有意當場下單的買主。
1. 我們公司成立已有xx 年。
Our company was established xx years ago.
2. 主要產品有哪些?
Our main products are xxxxxx.
3. 目前在哪裡生產(例如:在台灣和大陸都有工廠)。
We have factories in Taiwan and China.
4. 我們的產品特色為何?例如:
Our raw material and know-how are from Japan with the best quality.
We have more than 200 different types of scissors, you can find any scissors you need from our company.
5. 是否有最低訂購量限制?
The minimum order is 2,000 pcs.
6. 交貨期一般多久?急單可配合於幾天內出貨?
Our delivery time is usually one month. But for urgent order, the delivery time can be within 2 weeks.
針對上面提到的三類客人,AYA 列舉 18 個在展場經常向客戶提出的問題,你可以依照客戶屬性循序發問。
(1)留下名片走馬看花的客人:只問前面3 個問題即可,如有時間再繼續追問。
(2)想進一步洽談的客人:問前面 10 個問題,如有時間可再繼續追問。
1. 對哪幾項產品有興趣?
Which items you are interested in ?
2. 公司性質?是進口商、批發商、製造廠或用戶?
Are you importer, wholesaler, manufacturer or end user ?
3. 採購目的為何?是贈品、專業用途或再加工?(例如購買剪刀是用於剪髮、剪布或剪紙?購買不銹鋼板是用來做建材、廚具還是衛浴用品?)
例如:What is the application ? For cutting hair, fabric or paper ?
4. 有沒有買過?多久採購一次?一次買多少數量或金額?是否定期採購?
Have you ever purchased such items so far?
How long have you purchased once ?
How about the quantity and value of your order ?
You place regular order on schedule ?
5. 今年預估採購項目、數量與金額?是否有預算限制?
What will be your purchased items this year ?
How about the quantity and value ?
Do you have any budget limit?
6. 預計何時下單?何時須收到貨?
When will you place the order ?
When do you expect to receive the goods ?
7. 過去採購貨源?為何想更換供應商?
Where did you buy such items before ?
Why you wish to change the supplier ? (這問題較敏感,視情況再發問。)
8. 出貨方式(空運或海運,台灣是否有代理商或固定配合的船公司?)
You usually ship the goods by air or by sea ?
Do you have any specified agent or forwarder in Taiwan ?
9. 出貨終點港。
Where is your destination port ?
10. 付款方式及往來銀行。
What is your payment term ?
May I know which bank you will issue the L/C from ?(外匯管制國家最好問一下,以免我國銀行不接受其信用狀。)
11. 對品質有何特別要求?
Do you have any special request about quality ?
12. 是否需要樣品(或是否需要打樣)?
Do you need samples for approval ?
13. 是否願意付樣品費或是可以提供快遞帳號寄送樣品?
Will you afford the sample charge or provide your own express courier account to deliver the samples ?
14. 是否須提供檢驗報告、材質證明?
Is the inspection report or material certificate necessary ?
15. 是否須做 SGS 出貨前檢驗,或派專人驗貨?
Do you need to arrange the SGS inspection before shipment ?
Do you need to send someone to do the pre-shipment inspection ?
16. 公司規模(含資本額、年營業額,員工人數、公司成立多久?
How much is the capital of your company ?
How about the annual turnover ?
How many persons are working in your company ?
When was your company established ?
17. 主要的營業項目有哪些?除了採購我們的產品之外,還經營哪些其他產品?
What are your mainly dealing items?
What else you are carrying on except our products?
18. 主力市場、客層鎖定和銷售管道。
Where is your main market ?
What is the field of customer you focus on ?
May I know what channels you are selling through ?
如果問完這些重點之後還有時間,可與客人交換市場訊息,例如詢問當地市場景氣,其他競爭者動態……等等。客戶離去前,務必與其核對名片上的資料,聯絡人名字(註明是先生或小姐),以及 e-mail address(尤其有人是用手寫的,字跡經常十分潦草,難以辨識)。確認他的位階及負責的職務內容,並問清楚是否直接與他連絡即可或另有他人負責?
Fm: http://blog.sina.com.tw/13910/article.php?pbgid=13910&entryid=5934
- Aug 18 Mon 2008 00:38